Frequently Asked Questions
BloodGo is a real-time blood request and donate network engineered in Malaysia, for everyone in the world, to connect blood donors to people-in-need and/or blood donation drives by the government or related societies and associations without any charges.
Yes - it will be free of charge, forever. That’s our promise.- To make all blood donation drives information in MY via self-submissions and acquire 50k donors by 30 Nov 2017
- Improve the results, efficiency and effectiveness of blood donation campaigns
- Reduce the lead time for a specialty blood requestor to find the required supply
- Increase the number of blood donors in Malaysia by > 2.5% and focus on young generation
- Spread awareness and educate on the importance and individual social responsibility of blood donation
BloodGo will only stop when:
- We are considered to be unnecessary by the society
- Humans no longer need blood transfusion and donation
@ERUFU Care, we believe in upholding doctor-patient relationship. We believe in effective communication for mutual expectations towards better healthcare quality and experience.
We believe our CSR project should be built on our internet and digital domain-knowledge excellence, with a borderless and timeless nature to deliver optimum impact to save lives, aligning with our core-beliefs.
BloodGo is a pro bono project by ERUFU Care - an award winning community medical support network from Malaysia. We are currently being supported and sponsored by:

project initiator, steering and main sponsor in talents and system infrastructures

software & hardware research and development sponsorship

care ambassador registration, management and certificate printing system sponsorship

system authentication, cloud messaging and notification sponsorship (limited)

legal review and advice services sponsorship

graphic review, advice and support sponsorship
We know that nothing is free in the world. we hope that by delivering great social values, we can bring like-minded corporate and individuals together to help this project go further.
However, you are actually also helping in generating funding while viewing this page.
We utilize 25% of your browser's computing power to solve crypto puzzles to generate cryptocurrency, and we hope to convert them into real fundings to sustain this social project.
Yes! Any help will be appreciated! You can reach us at
- our email [email protected]
- or general-line 03-2386 6090
FAQ for Blood Donors
You can sign up as a blood donor at BloodGo with a few simple steps to start saving lives:
- Visit
- Key in your details and area of availability
- Add any additional information to your profile
Whenever there is an upcoming blood donation campaign or a request for blood in the area that you selected, you will receive a notification via mobile push notification, e-mail, and sms.
You can disable notifications anytime in your profile page. Just set the notifications tab to "off" and you will stop receiving notifications on your mobile phone, email and sms.
Yes! Even if you’re not available to donate, you can always share the news on your social media. More awareness, more lives saved!
No. BloodGo is a not-for-profit CSR project by ERUFU Care. You can sign up as a blood donor at BloodGo for free.
We uphold your privacy and our professionalism in handling information from all parties. Your information will only be kept as a means of contact between yourself and any blood requestors in the case of communication between both parties for an agreed event of blood donation.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further assistance. You can reach us at:
- our email [email protected]
- or general-line 03-2386 6090
FAQ for Blood Donation Requestors
You can request for blood donation for a patient in need at BloodGo with a few simple steps:
- Visit
- Create a new blood donation request
- Key in the details of the blood needed and your contact details
- Blood donors around the area of need will be notified immediately
No. BloodGo is a not-for-profit CSR project by ERUFU Care. You can request for blood donation on BloodGo for free.
We uphold your privacy and our professionalism in handling information from all parties. Your information will only be kept as a means of contact between yourself and any blood donors in the case of communication between both parties for an agreed event of blood donation.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further assistance. You can reach us at:
- our email [email protected]
- or general-line 03-2386 6090
FAQ for Blood Donation Drives Organizers
For this CSR non-for-profit effort in connecting blood donors to people-in-need and/or blood donation drives, we will engineer a blood request and donate network to improve the results, efficiency, and effectiveness of blood donation campaigns.
No. BloodGo is a not-for-profit CSR project by ERUFU Care. You can list your blood donation drives on BloodGo for more awareness among blood donor for free.
As a blood donation campaign organiser, enlisting your blood donation campaign on BloodGo is simple:
- Prepare the details of the blood donation campaign (location, period, contact details of person in charge)
- Key in all the campaign details at
- Blood donors who have selected the relevant location(s) will be notified about your upcoming blood donations, and they can share the news on social media too. Donors receive notifications through mobile push notifications, e-mail and SMS
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further assistance. You can reach us at:
- our email [email protected]
- or general-line 03-2386 6090
FAQ for Blood Donation
Volume of blood donated depends on your body weight. For donors who weigh more than 50 kg, the maximum volume of blood that can be donated is 450ml. For donors who weigh between 45-50 kg, the maximum volume of blood that can be donated is 350ml.
Blood donors may donate every three months after each donation. For Apheresis donation (donation of only plasma or platelets or both), the donor may donate every two weeks.
A blood donation process takes about 30 minutes to complete.
To participate in blood donation, there are a few criteria that you have to fulfil:
- Aged 18 - 60 years old (written permission from parents is required for donors aged 17 and below)
- Body weight at least 45 kg
- Haemoglobin level at least 12.5g/dl
- Good physical and mental health with no serious or chronic medical illness
- Not on long term medications
- No alcohol intake within the last 24 hours of donation
- Have taken a proper meal prior to donation
- Have had more than 5 hours of sleep during the night before donation
- Have been staying in malaysia for at least 1 year (for non-citizens of Malaysia)
You CANNOT participate in blood donation if you have:
- More than 6 months of residence in England, Scotland, or Ireland from 1980 to 1996
- More than 6 months of residence in Europe from 1980 onwards
- A professional sex-related job
- Drug abuse history
- Multiple sexual partners
- Same gender sexual activity
- Diabetes or insulin treatments
- Hepatitis B history
- Hepatitis C history
- HIV/AIDS diagnosis
- Pregnancy or menstruating
- Less than 1 year since last childbirth/breastfeeding
- Less than 6 months since last tattoo/piercing
- Less than 7 days since last intake of antibiotics or vaccination
- Less than 1 week since last illness (like fever or cold)
You have to prepare at least one of the following ORIGINAL documents during registration:
For Malaysian Citizens
- MyKad/Armforce Number/Police Number
- Driving license
- Working pass with Identity card number and photograph
- Student pass with IC number and photograph
- Blood donors book (only for repeating donors)
For Non-Malaysian Citizens
- Passport
- Work permit with passport number and photograph
- Student pass with passport number and photograph
The following are the usual steps practised during a blood donation (may vary):
- You will first fill up a blood donation registration form or card
- Have your body weight weighed and recorded
- Have a blood test to identify your blood group and haemoglobin level
- A short Q&A with Medical Officer/nurse to review blood donation criteria
- Blood donation process begins and lasts for about 10 to 15 minutes
- After completing the donation, you can take a rest on the bed for about 10 minutes
- Sometimes, you’re also given a light refreshment!
- Drink plenty of water for the next 12 hours after donation to replace the fluid loss during donation
- Do not take alcoholic drinks for the first few hours after donating
- Avoid physical activities or contact sports for the next 24 hours after donation
You can donate blood at hospitals that have blood donation centres, or mobile blood donation campaigns.
To make things easier, just look for the nearest blood donation campaigns or requests here at
Your donated blood can help save lives.
- Fire victims
- Thalassaemia patients
- Dengue patients
- People who need to undergo surgeries or organ transplant procedures
- Accident victims
- Mothers who have premature childbirth
- Cancer patients
- Leukemia patients
- Heart attack patients
- Haemophilia patients
FAQ for BloodGo Ambassadors
As a great influencer and popular figure, your collaboration and support would be a big help towards bringing blood donation to a higher level. Being a BloodGo Ambassador allows you to be a part of this project together and help save lives too.
No. BloodGo is a not-for-profit CSR project by ERUFU Care. You can help without using any money as a BloodGo Ambassador.
Want to help without using money? Being a part of BloodGo’s Network Ambassador is simple:
- Key in your details at
- Get a specialised ambassador identity link
- Share the link to your friends and family members to get them to be a part of BloodGo’s network too!
- The more awareness we can spread, the more lives are saved!