
Saving Lives . Borderless . Timeless

In everything we do, we believe that the experience of searching for specialty blood donors to save lives should be fast and borderless. We engineered, a real-time blood request and donation network. To connect people-in-need for specialty blood with blood donation event organizers and blood donors, by matching and notifying the blood donors based on their ABO blood group and preferred notification location.

Are you a Blood Donor?

Together, we save lives. submit your donor profile and we will notify you when there are people in need of your help, via sms, email and push notification.

This is a channel of community support. see nearby blood request and help out if you can!

Searching for specialty Blood?

This is a life-saving channel. submit a blood request and we will immediately notify nearby matching donors via sms, email and push notification.

Submit Blood Request

Organizing Blood Donation Event?

This is a channel of care awareness. submit your blood donation campaign details and we will notify nearby matching donors a day before the donation event via sms, email and push notification.

Post Donation Event

BloodGo Global Community since 1st Nov 2017


Blood Donors


Special Blood Request


Blood Donation Events


Supporting Locations

Blood Group Statistics since 1st Nov 2017

Registered Donors

Notification Statistics since 1st Nov 2017


Notified Donors


SMS Notification


Email Notification


Web-Push Notification

Privacy Concern?

Being a donor, your personal data is safe with us.

We will never publish or share your data with third-party, including people-in-need of blood supply and blood donation event organizer. We will only notify you in the event of blood request, instead of sharing your contact details with anyone.

We implement one-way and location based notification, currently supporting 3 notification channels:

  • SMS (only in Malaysia)
  • Email
  • Web-Push Notification

College / University Students?

This is your chance to earn a certificate without paying additional tuition fees. This certification can potentially help you in your future employment, by allowing you to demonstrate your leadership, influential and social value skills.

Join our care-ambassador team and help us to recruit donors to submit their donor profiles. You will be entitled to the following certificates:

Care-Ambassador Certificate for recruitment of 20 donors and above

Lead Care-Ambassador Certificate for recruitment of 20 Certified Care-Ambassadors and above

The story of blood supply challenges

It all began when we witnessed how the failure to find specialty blood in time can cause the life of someone we love.

These days, people go to social media like Facebook when they need specialty blood, or when they are running blood donation drives. However, the speed of information outreach is not fast enough, and often reach the donors too late! We needed a more efficient and effective communication channel to connect donors with people-in-need.

The need of blood supply has been a never-ending demand since 1818, when British obstetrician James Blundell successfully transfused human blood to a patient who had hemorrhage during childbirth. In 1901, Karl Landsteiner, an Austrian physician discovered the first human blood groups, which helped transfusion become a safer practice.

The world is always short of blood supply, and it’s the same for Malaysia. Due to a lack of awareness and effective communication, it has also brought extra challenges when it comes to the need of specialty blood.

How do we help?

In everything we do, we believe that the experience of searching for specialty blood donors to save lives should be fast and borderless.

We engineered, a real-time blood request and donation network in Malaysia, for everyone in the world, to connect people-in-need for specialty blood with blood donation event organizers and blood donors, by matching and notifying the blood donors based on their ABO blood group and preferred notification location - without any charges.

There is no username or password required. It is simple - just submit and you're done.

Yes - it will be free of charge, forever. That's our promise.

Find out more below in the how are we funded? and how do we sustain? sections

What do we hope to achieve?

  1. Improve the results, efficiency and effectiveness of blood donation campaigns.
  2. Reduce the lead time for a specialty blood requestor to find the required supply.
  3. Increase the number of blood donors in Malaysia by > 2.5% and focus on young generation.
  4. Spread awareness and educate on the importance and individual social responsibility of blood donation.

What help do we need?

Greater donor awareness and engagement via;

  1. Support, advice, endorsement and collaboration from Ministry of Health (MOH) and related government agencies.
  2. Support and Collaboration from related non-profit association/society.
  3. Support and Collaboration from Public and Private Universities.
  4. Support from Media.
  5. Support and Collaboration from Corporate via sponsorships/ participations / partnerships.

When do we stop?

  1. When we are considered to be unnecessary by the society.
  2. When humans no longer need blood transfusion and donation.

Why are we doing this?

@ERUFU Care, we believe in upholding doctor-patient relationship. We believe in effective communication for mutual expectations towards better healthcare quality and experience.

We believe our CSR project should be built on our internet and digital domain-knowledge excellence, with a borderless and timeless nature to deliver optimum impact to save lives, aligning with our core-beliefs. is a pro-bono project by ERUFU Care - an award winning community medical support network from Malaysia.

How are we funded?

We are currently being supported and sponsored by:

Who is in the team?

Jarod Law Ding Yong

Jarod -

founder, chief engineer
Active, 2017 - Present
Melissa Seow

Melissa Seow

co-founder, ambassador

Lay Wan

communicator, facilitator
Inactive, 2017 - 2019 Staff, Erufu Care


Inactive, 2017 - 2018 Staff, CODE S


content writer
Inactive, 2017 - 2018 Staff, Erufu Care


Inactive, 2017 - 2019 Staff, Quick Queue


Inactive, 2017 - 2019 Staff, Erufu Care


communicator, event coordinator
Inactive, 2018 Internship, Erufu Care


video producer
Inactive, 2018 Volunteer


Inactive, 2017 - 2018 Staff, Erufu Care

Sze Chee

Inactive, 2017 - 2018 Staff, Erufu Care


illustrator, animator
Inactive, 2017 - 2018 Staff, Erufu Care


Inactive, 2018 Internship, CODE S

Allicia Sim

creative designer
Volunteer Creative Director, Gurl Studio

Lawrence Tan (LLB, CLP)

legal advisor
Volunteer Director, IP Gennesis

Dr Lim Kit Wing (MD)

medical advisor
Volunteer Medical Officer, Ministry of Health

Soon Aik

communicator, ambassador


chief caring officer
Active, 2017 - Present Staff, Erufu Care


freelance entertainer
Active, 2017 - Present Good Mood Contributor

Help us?

Individual? Yes! Company? Yes! Volunteers? Yes!! any help will be appreciated! You can reach us at

- and spread the love -

We look forward to hearing from you!